Acoustic in line with design

Made in Germany

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Make your room a better place acoustically and aesthetically

We live in an age with a lot of noise and so we really enjoy the quiet moments. For this reason it is important in a general sense to make sure that there is a better noise environment inside buildings.

Sound absorbers play a major role in optimizing the acoustics of a room and make a significant contribution to better speech intelligibility.

Not only by minimizing echoes but also thanks to the scope for design in a room SINABoard creates a distinct improvement of the atmosphere of a room.

Whether it be the workplace, a restaurant or your own home SINABoard improves the effectiveness and in the long term the quality of life.

Improvement of the acoustical environment through effective sound absorption “made in Germany”

All the benefits at a glance:

>> Highly effective sound absorption
>> Low emission and odourless
>> Limitless scope for design
>> Available in ten colours
>> Two sizes (100 x 50 cm, 50 x 50 cm)
>> Lightweight
>> Authentic and recyclable
>> Flexible to use


More well-being thanks to textile colours

Highly effective material properties

grafik farbgebung gb

SINABoard sound absorbers are versatile: available in ten NCS colours they provide scope for individual design thanks to their two sizes (50 x 50 cm, 100 x 50 cm) and easy handling. You can quite easily mount it yourself with the magnet system on a bracket with screws.

SINABoard is an innovative development of Filzfabrik Fulda GmbH & Co. KG: this acoustically highly effective fiber composite material dampens annoying acoustic reflections extremely efficiently and improves, even with a low material thickness, the sound quality of noises in a wide frequency range.

Our SINABoard world of colours – available in 2 sizes

azur 501
mountain blue

delphin neu

farn 401
fern green

gletscher 504

kirsch 100
cherry red

kiesel 800

lagune 500

limone 400
lime green

orange 200

senf 300
mustard yellow

Download Shadecard >>


Acoustics to make you feel good



A high degree of sound absorption creates a pleasant atmosphere in a room. However, the environmentally friendly production of the absorbers also plays a significant part in creating an atmosphere of well-being.

Acoustics and sustainability in unison

The highly effective sound absorber SINABoard is non-hazardous with regard to polluting emissions as it consists of 100 % PET fibers and is produced without any chemical binding agents. Apart from that it is completely free of mineral fibers and formaldehyde. SINABoard even meets the highest standards in accordance with Ecotex certification.

SINABoard is produced by an upcycling process. This means that when its life comes to an end the sound absorber can quite easily be given to the recycling process which further contributes to a gentle use of resources.

Rooms which are provided with SINABoard are an experience for all the senses and the physical well-being is enhanced.

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Who we are



The FFF GROUP is a strong association of companies that share a common passion: Nonwovens and felt!

The group has a total of over 450 years of experience in more than 80 branches of industry all over the world. As the world`s biggest producer of wool felts and as a specialist in the field of nonwovens we are the number one address for the development of intelligent technical textile solutions.

Certificates of the Filzfabrik Fulda:


tuev    dgnb

Our success is based on the permanent exchange of knowledge, economic stability and high-quality standards. Our customers have a high opinion of us because we not only provide product quality but also live service quality!


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